The C6 lends itself to be approached as a 'position' tuning, where finding multiple places to play the needed harmonies leads you to playing vey melodically when you solo, and going from 'inside' to 'outside' is very easy.An easy-to-use accurate audio/visual tuner for your guitar. On a double-neck instrument, the neck nearest the player will normally be some form of C6, and the furthest neck E9.Classic country shuffle styles for Band-in-a-Box, by BIAB guru Jim Baron.Drop D tuning (aka drop tuning or slack key) is one of the easiest alternative guitar tunings because only the lowest string is different from the standard.The C6 tuning is different than the E9 in many ways, but perhaps the most important - in my mind - is that I do not see it as a 'lick' instrument to the degree that the E9 is. On pedal steel guitar, the most common tunings on double-neck istruments are the extended-chord C6 tuning and E9 tuning, sometimes known as the Texas and Nashville tunings respectively.
As long as the root notes do not move from string to string, this will sound great. Thanks for any info.I like the sound of Just Intonation. Is "just tuning desirable on the C6 deck and does anyone have a list of the freq or cents offset from A=440 ? I am using a Korg tuner which is calibrated in both freq and cents. But I can't find anything on how to "just tune, the C6 deck. Fractions,Cents offset, Frequency offset from 440 etc.
On my C neck it ends up mostly being close to straight up except the 3rds and 6ths end up a hair flat.All steels and steel players are different. Tuning by ear helps my hearing. If a string sounds out of tune with the other instruments I'm playing with I adjust for it. Very interesting.What helped me was to dump the tuner for the most part and then tune the beats out wherever possible. No one will believe me that thirds should be tuned past -10 to 13.7, but thats where I hear the beats dissapear, also fifths sharp.
Once you get used to one method, and play it for awhile, then you will probably consider tweaking it to taste.Thanks to all of you for your reply. However, many of the common voicings may sound a little too sour. INSTEAD of this, you can tune the entire thing, strings and pedals, to 440. All other pedals tune 440. If you go too flat, the combos become bad).
Just weird ol' me!Do a search under my name. Using the harmonics adds another level of difficulty, that being playing them and hearing anything out of the "Ma Bell" range.I use pretty much the same method or relationships as listed above,exceptI tune the A's straight up and adjust theOthers proportionally. It's easier for me to just tune out the beats.
This was out of self defense because we had a bass playerThat would only tune up while I was trying to tune up. The c on the c6th at a440 and then tune the beats out. Hopes this helps.The e on the e9th is a440 then just tune theBeats out.